Sunday, May 22, 2011

Break time. Bridget demonstrating the power of wind and such on a swing. Photos (and swing pushing) by Whitney.

More Pictures of us working. Photos by Whitney.

VAWT Power Point to present in class.
Local wind energy plans. Windmills in Chesapeake Bay?
WIND ENERGY HANDBOOK by Tony Burton, David Sharpe, Nick Jenkins, and Ervin Bossanyi.
excellent if you want to calculate anything with wind and energy.
Look at this VAWT. intense.
Compare a fo real blueprint for a VAWT with ours. haha.
Virginia Aaual Average Wind Speed.

Bridget hooking stuff up to the base and such.

the thingymajig. oh. the pulley that hooks up to motor and such. we had to drill out the middle because it was not wide enough to fit around the rod.
Whitney doing shtuff. (Attaching rods to base.)
BLADES. Now aesthically pleasing.
Lunch Break. Smile if you love physics.
VAWT base without blades. Made of steel.
Making blades out of 22 gauge aluminum (but ended up not using.)

Test Piece for original metal blades.